Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Chapter 1

The book of 1 Kings opens with King David an old man lying in bed and his body cold. He is preparing to die and go be with God.Unknown to him his oldest living son, Adonijah, is preparing to take over the kingdom. Because he is the oldest living son it would not be a poor assumption on his part that he was to be King. However, Nathan to prophet knew what God's will was and he went to Bathsheba and gave her instructions. He told her what to say to David and told her that while she was still talking with David he would come in to confirm all that she was telling him. She did as he instructed. "Did you not, my lord, O king, assuredly swear to your maid servant saying," Assuredly your son Solomon shall reign after me, and shall sit on my throne ?"" (1 Kings 1 : 13 )At this point she begins to tell David of all the arrangements that were being made for Adonijah to become King.

David then says, " call to me Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada." ( 1 Kings 1 : 32 ). These were the men from David's inner circle who had remained loyal and not joined Adonijah. David then had Solomon ride David's donkey through town and had these three men go with him to the city of Gihon. There Zadok the priest took a horn of oil and anointed him King. Then they  blew the horn and shouted ," Long live King Solomon "!!!

When Adonijah found all that had happened he was scared for his life. It was common practice for a new king to kill all in the family that could make a claim on the throne. So he ran to the alter and held on to the horn as a place of sanctuary. When Solomon heard this he simply said as long as no evil is found in him he may live. Then Solomon told Adonijah, " Go to your house." (1Kings 1 : 53)

Friday, January 26, 2018

Introduction to 1 Kings

This blog is one of many that will be the final product of many years work. The goal is to a complete blog commentary on the Old and New Testament of the bible. We have completed one third of Psalms and one on the Fruit of The Spirit. I have decided to go to 1 Kings at this time because the bible study class I teach is going through the bible book by book and we have recently started 1 Kings. In the interest of full disclosure we are currently on chapter 11, so I need to make up some time.

However, the reason the reason this blog will take many years is because I am not interested in "getting it done" but I am interested in creating an easy to read and understanding commentary on God's word. One way I will do that is for each new book we start or each new topic I teach on, we will start a new blog. That way it will be easy to read what YOU want to read. The full table of contents for all the blogs we do will be available on our web sit at www.prayerboxministry.org. That web site was designed to be interactive. We want it to be a valuable and interesting place to go with many ways to get God's word and to understand it !

I hope you will join this journey with me and love God's word as much as I do. God bless you and happy reading and exploring !

Naboth Is Murdered !

July 28, 2018 Naboth was a man who lived close to King Ahab and had a vineyard that the King wanted.  He wanted it because it was close ! ...