Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Chapter 7 Home, Buildings, and Temple Fixtures

God's house is now complete and Solomon turns his attention to building his own home. For several reasons, (lack of need, no supplies saved up, not as much planning etc) building his home took a total of thirteen years. As a part of the Palace campus he builds the House of the Forest of Lebanon. This rectangular building was 150 ft. long, 75 ft. wide, and 45 ft. high. This building was built from the forest of cedars in Lebanon. The Hall of Pillars had many pillars in it and was probably the entrance way into the Hall of Judgement. The Hall Of Judgement was where the daily business of the King was done. Behind these buildings was an open court yard and on the other side was where Solomon built his residence. His residence would include his personal residence, a palace for his harem, and royal apartments for the princess from Egypt he had married.

Next Solomon brought a man named Huram who was a craftsman in bronze work from Tyre.With this craftsman Solomon made pillars, pomegranates, the Sea of cast bronze, 12 oxen, 10 movable stands, 10 bronze basins, the shovel and bowls, the alter of gold, 10 golden lamp stands. All of these supplies plus the material King David had dedicated were then put into the Temple. Most of the supplies were placed in the Holy place. The things David dedicated to the Lord were placed in storage in the side rooms of the Temple. This now completed both the interior and the exterior of the Temple. The time taken to complete BOTH the Temple and Solomon's home was 20 years !

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July 28, 2018 Naboth was a man who lived close to King Ahab and had a vineyard that the King wanted.  He wanted it because it was close ! ...