Friday, May 25, 2018

Chapter 16 All Did Evil

Chapter 16 opens with Baasha as king over Israel and God rebuking him and telling what his future is because of all the evil he has done. The dogs will eat whoever, in his house, dies in the city and the birds will eat whoever dies in the country ! Baasha had eliminated all of Jeroboam's family and God was going to do the same to him.  Then Elah, the son of Baasha became king and reigned for two years. He was killed by Zimri and he reigned as king for 7 days. As soon as he sat on the throne, he killed all of Baasha's family and his extended family. This was to fulfill God's promise. Zimri reigned for 7 days. This is the shortest reign in Israel history. Omri became king after being commander of military. When the people heard what Zimri had done they made Omri king and Zimri committed suicide by burning himself alive in the kings house. Omri reigned over Israel for 12 years then his son Ahab took over as king and he was king for 22 years.

All of these kings reigned over Israel and they all did evil in the eyes of the Lord. It is said in verse 30 " Now Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord, more than all that were before him". We will see in the next chapter how God uses Ahab and Elijah to bring God' people back to Himself.

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July 28, 2018 Naboth was a man who lived close to King Ahab and had a vineyard that the King wanted.  He wanted it because it was close ! ...