Saturday, June 23, 2018

Chapter 19 Ups And Downs Of Faith

June 23,2018

Elijah has been used mightily by God to bring the Jews back to Him and to defeat the worship of Baal. After the great display on the mountain, the Jews return to God, and the murder of 450 priests of Baal Ahab goes back and tells Jezebel all that happened. She then sends a threat to Elijah to kill him and he flees ! In his flight he is confronted by an angel and fed by it. He is also confronted by God twice !  Both times God starts by saying,"What are you doing here Elijah ?" (verse 9) This question was not asked because God did not know, it was asked so that Elijah would be forced to see his lack of faith. From mountain top (literally) to valley. This is a very common experience for us Christians. Notice also that God allows him to stay in the valley for over 42 days and takes another 40 to lead him back to complete his work for God !

Of the three things God asked him to do next, one of them was to anoint his replacement ! Elisha will become his replacement. Before Elisha leaves his family he sacrifices the oxen as a farewell meal. This was to show that this was going to be a permanent cut from his family and a total commitment to his calling to follow Elijah. Even today, when we are called to any ministry, it is to be a total commitment !  Not an easy lesson to learn ... but a critical one if we are to follow our calling.

One of the main lessons to see here is that no matter how much you are used of God, there will be valley times. Also, not matter how deep or long the valley, God can still use us in a mighty way. As we answer our calling and keep our eyes on Jesus, the only thing that can slow us down is our lack of faith or commitment.

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