Thursday, February 1, 2018

Chapter 2 David Dies ... Instructs Solomon

As King David lies dying in bed he calls his son Solomon to his side and gives him his last instructions. In these instructions he mentions several people that David had unfinished business with and asks Solomon to finish this business.  The first instruction he gives is seen in verse three where David says ,"And keep the charge of the Lord your God: to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His judgments, and His testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you turn."  Then he tells Solomon of the promise God has made If your sons take heed to their way, to walk before Me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul you shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel."

Next David covers the unfinished business David wants Solomon to complete concerning Joab, Barzillai, and Shimei. When David was done instructing David ... He died. David had reigned over Israel for 40 years and was buried in Jerusalem.

Adonijah, Solomon's brother had sent a request to Solomon via Bathsheba. He wanted Solomon to give him Abishag (a part of Solomon's harem) to him for a wife. In those days to have part of the king's harem was to be part king ! Solomon saw that this was a trick to re-take the kingdom from him so he had Adonijah executed !

Next he dealt with Abiathar. Solomon said that he deserved death for his deeds to David. However, he stripped him of his priestly duties and sent him into exile. Then ... when Joab heard what was going on he was scared for his life and ran to the alter and held onto the horn. When Solomon heard this he ordered Joab executed because the horn was intended for  accidental crimes. NOT for cold blooded murder.. which Joab was guilty !

Then came Shimei. Solomon told him to build a house and not to cross a certain body of water or he would be killed. He agreed. Some time later Shimei had some of his slaves run away and he chased after the. He caught them and returned home. When Solomon heard this he called Shimei to him and reminded him of their agreement. Solomon had him executed on the spot.

That ended all of the unfinished business of his father David and the kingdom was now solidly in Solomon's hand and God was with him !

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Naboth Is Murdered !

July 28, 2018 Naboth was a man who lived close to King Ahab and had a vineyard that the King wanted.  He wanted it because it was close ! ...