Thursday, February 8, 2018

Chapter 3 Wisdom ...Requested And Received

With the throne firmly in Solomon's hand, God comes to Solomon in a dream and asks him what he would request of God. With all of the possible options (wealth, fame, long life, etc.) Solomon asks for wisdom to lead God's chosen people. Solomon was around 20 years old at this time and readily confessed that he would not be able to lead with out God ! This made God very happy and rewarded Solomon's answer by giving him wealth beyond any nation, world wide fame, and wisdom that people from around the world would come to see and hear. God said that long life would be connected to Solomon's ability to walk in God's ways and statutes.

The first display of wisdom given by God was the case of the 2 prostitutes who each had a baby. In the night one had rolled onto their baby and killed it. When she woke up she exchanged her dead baby for the others live baby. They both came to Solomon claiming to be the mother and wanted him to decide ! Solomon thought for a minute and ordered his guard to get a sword and cut the baby in half and give each woman half of the baby ! Knowing that the birth mother would rather loose the baby to another woman than for the baby to die. Which is exactly what happened and mother and baby were reunited. When word of Solomon's wisdom got around the people were at ease with his being their King because of his wisdom.

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