Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Chapter 4 Administration And Plenty

With old debts handled, the country unified, and God's man on the throne, chapter 4 opens with the boring chore of setting up his government. It is interesting that Solomon divided the country into 12 territories (Different than the tribal divisions) and appointed a Governor over each one. Each Gov. was to take turns, one each month to provide supplies for the Kings table. This does not sound like a lot but the following is what was required DAILY ! 30 kors ( 1 kor equals about the normal size load that a donkey could carry !) of fine flower, 60 kors of meal, 10 fatted oxen, 20 oxen from the pastures, 100 sheep, besides deer, gazelles, roebucks,and fatted fowl (verses 22 - 23).

God not only supplied all of their needs but also provided peace on all sides of Judah and Israel.This God granted for all the days of Solomon's life. God continued to grant Solomon  wisdom that surpassed that of any man ever. He spoke 3,000 proverbs and his songs were one thousand and five. (verse 32)  People from all around the world heard of his wealth and his wisdom. They came from every where to give tribute and to hear his wisdom. Solomon prepares to build God's house on earth !

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