Friday, February 16, 2018

Chapter 5 Solomon Prepares To Build The Temple

Since King David was a man of war and had blood on his hands, God would not allow him to build His house. However, Solomon was given peace on all sides and was anxious to build God's house. Therefore, God gave him permission to build it. Solomon started  by making arrangements with King Hiram of Tyre to supply the cedar and cypress logs to Solomon in exchange for food. King Hiram's land was perfect for trees but not so good for growing food.

Solomon raised up 30,000 workers and used 10,000 per month in rotation. He sent them to Lebanon . He had 70,000 who carried loads, and 80,000 who quarried stone, and also had 3,300 who were supervisors. Thus along with these workers and those sent by King Hiram they worked together to cut trees and quarry stone to build the Temple.  King David had spent the last part of his life gathering money and material to build the Temple. With those supplies and the logs and stone he was now gathering, King Solomon was now ready to build the Temple !

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